Frequent Questions
Why was Choice Realty, LLC started?

We formed Choice Realty, LLC to give people selling their houses a true choice in marketing their property. We offer professional marketing services that are tailored to selling your house, not selling our name. In today's computerized world, it is possible for an independent broker to provide full-service real estate services and targeted marketing at a reasonable fee. That is what we specialize in. Our use of the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) of Greater Cincinnati provides thousands of agents with buyers access to your listing. This is a tremendous advantage to those wanting to sell their house in a reasonable timeframe.

What is Choice Realty, LLC 's commission rate?

First, you as a seller of residential real estate should not base your decision on listing your house solely on a company's commission rate. You must take into account the agent's years of experience in real estate, their knowledge of the local residential market, their education level, and whether they are just an agent or actually a broker. Most importantly, they must be trustworthy. Our marketing fee/commission rate is very reasonable. Please call (513) 874-3233 for a detailed explanation of our commission rate.
Choice Realty, LLC
Fairfield, West Chester, Liberty Twp, Mason
Telephone: (513) 874-3233
Choice Realty, LLC is a Licensed Real Estate Brokerage in the State of Ohio